i was born in florida. but after a year and before getting a tan, we moved to chattanooga, tennessee, where i spent a lot of time growing up a little. architecture school in atlanta saw me grow up a lot more. this degree lead to a job back in chattanooga until i could return to atlanta – but not before riding around the country for two months and 21,000 miles, often sleeping in the back of my datsun 310. atlanta was home until portland, oregon, teased and tempted. i lived (and sorta worked) there for three years right before the end of last century. then, back to atlanta until late 2019. now, wouldn’t you know it, i’m back in florida. full circle.

i seem to have favorite places though i’m curious and willing.

and yeah, the beach is cool, but i can’t stop creating, designing stuff.

let’s chat.



treasure island
florida, usa

blog: https://heythattickles.work